Happy "weed day", to all!! Today is the day to relax and elevate your mind. Take a second and read why the importance of this can assist many different chronic illnesses. From, #Discover716 #716ers #happy420 #weedday
For years legalizing marijuana has been problematic in many parts of the United States. Addressing this dilemma states suggested taking political action by legalizing this plant. To do so, they created this into a medically inclined herb. People can use this to subdue all medical-related issues. According to The National Conference of State Legislatures (2022) states, “as of February 3, 2022, 37 states, three territories, and the District of Columbia allow the medical use of cannabis products.” Even though, these thirty-seven states were rightfully granted the use of this plant. The rest of the thirteen states haven't accomplished the same right.
Known for its many names and different uses, marijuana has been around for hundreds of years. Produced in a lot of ancient cultures, with many different strains. The plant, widely known as “hemp”, was used for its healing properties. According to an article, “Most ancient cultures did not grow the plant to get high, but as herbal medicine, likely starting in Asia around 500 B.C.” (Neal, 2019, para 1). Many years of research assisted scientists in figuring out the active components in the ultimate healing power of these plants, that being THC and CBD. According to The American Cancer Society (2022), it states, “Scientists have identified many biologically active components in marijuana. These are called cannabinoids. The two best-studied components are the chemicals delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (often referred to as THC), and cannabidiol (CBD).” Identifying the healing powers these plants performed, scientists figured it can be produced in many ways. Producing THC and CBD into oils, food, and pills, caught the eyes of the American people. Dating back to History it states, “In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved two drugs with THC that are prescribed in pill form, Marinol and Syndros, to treat nausea caused by cancer chemotherapy and loss of appetite in AIDS patients” (Neal, 2019, para 10). Further research states, “In the U.S., cannabis was widely utilized as a patent medicine during the 19th and 20th centuries, described in the United States Pharmacopeia for the first time in 1850.” (Bridgeman, 2017, para 4).
The entitlement to the ability to use medical cannabis should be granted in all states. Reflecting on the history of the cannabis plant, its ability to heal presumes why it should be legalized in all states. Studies show that this herb has assisted with multiple chronic medical conditions. The NCSL (2022) analyzed, “further studies have found that marijuana is effective in relieving some of the symptoms of HIV/AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, and multiple sclerosis.” This plant also assists with neurological and mental conditions in adults and children. Millions of Americans suffer from illness in every part of the U.S. From my research, the Rand Corporation states, “60 percent of American adults now live with at least one chronic condition, 42 percent have more than one” (Rand, 2017, para 2). The highest chronic condition is cancer, of any age. Scientists have noticed when patients are taking chemotherapy, they fall into what doctors are clinically calling, Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. This leads patients to lose weight at a faster pace. Studies with this issue have shown components linked to certain strains that help improve chemo as well as a patient with HIV. That component is called Dronabinol. The American cancer society (2022, para 25-26) says, “Based on several studies, dronabinol can help reduce nausea and vomiting linked to chemotherapy. Dronabinol has also been discovered to help improve food intake and prevent weight loss in patients with HIV.”
Many of the widely known, medically cannabis-induced, conditions among people in America are epilepsy, autism, depression, insomnia, and anxiety. In a study conducted by Maa and Figi, a 5-year-old girl with SCN1A epilepsy was given medical marijuana to reduce her seizure frequency. Researchers displayed that, “Charlotte had a >90% reduction in GTC seizures and had been weaned from her other anti-epileptic drugs” (Maa, 2014, para3). Many children in Charlotte’s position can benefit from this treatment. But without legalization, those children are unable to benefit from this treatment. Further analysis of why the use of medical marijuana should be legalized in all states is the aid with insomnia, anxiety, and depression. A few scientists accomplished an investigation, and they state,” Insomnia has been one of the primary reasons individuals seek medicinal cannabis, and approximately 1/4 of recreational users have reported that cannabis aids relaxation and sleep”. (Kuhathasan, 2022, pg.2) Concluding their data, the same author states, “This naturalistic investigation of cannabis use for insomnia suggests that individuals with depression, anxiety, and comorbid depression and anxiety perceive benefits from using cannabis for sleep” (Kuhanthansan, 2022, pg. 7). Acknowledging the pros of what this plant can do, presents added logic why the legalization of this is important for all states.
In conclusion, many Americans can benefit from the healing qualities marijuana possesses. Whether it be as common as insomnia, depression, or anxiety and/or as chronic as cancer or HIV/AIDS, marijuana can help lessen the symptoms and ease the pain even better than some prescribed medications. Due to the FDA-approved THC medications, Marinol and Syndros, cancer and AIDS patients can benefit from the healing qualities of cannabis. Legalizing marijuana in all states will allow everyone who is suffering one way or another to reap the benefits of this ancient healing plant.
American Cancer Society (2022) Marijuana and Cancer. AMC
Bridgeman, M (2017) Medicinal Cannabis: History, Pharmacology, and Implications for the acute care setting. NIH
Kuhathasan, K (2022) An investigation of cannabis for insomnia in depression and anxiety in a naturalistic sample. BMC Psychiatry
Leon, N. (2019) Marijuana. History.com
Maa, E. (2014) The case for medical marijuana in epilepsy. Sativasticated.com
NCSL (2022). State Medical Cannabis Laws. Ncsl.org
Rand (2017) Chronic conditions in America: Price and Prevalence. Rand.org